
ESU will purchase your excess electrical inventory including Cutler Hammer 50A breakers. We buy and sell most circuit breakers, transformers, new and used and fuses. 

Electrical Supplies Unlimited is your company's business source for testing, repairing, rebuilding or reconditioning electrical equipment. ESU maintains a wide variety of out of stock circuit breakers, relays, transformers, switches, relays, motor controls, and other electrical equipment.

Featured Breaker: Cutler Hammer 50A Industrial Circuit Breaker


Manufacturer: Cutler Hammer 

Industrial Circuit Breaker


600V max 250V c.d. Max

Cat. FD3050L

Suitable for use on

Single Phase AC circuits



We have been in the electrical supply business for over 30 years and offer fair prices for your excess electrical inventory. Call us today to find out more or request a quote here!